Ganesh ERP GPAO Software features

private cloud in SAAS mode

Ganesh ERP is developed in VB.Net. It runs on all Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 10 in 32-bit and 64-bit. The minimum .net package is 4.0

The additional technical modules are :

  • For reports: Oracle Crystal report runtime 13.0.22 32 and / or 64 bit minimum version. The reports are directly editable in Visual Studio with the Crystal Report for Visual Studio plugin.
  • For the Microsoft SQL server database, Oracle, Mysql, Maria DB

When installing in server mode, 2 additional services are installed :

  • the ganesh-cbn service that calculates the requirements every day at scheduled times
  • the ganesh-cleaner service that checks the database integrity

On the client computer (excluding thin or lightly equipped client stations) are installed the following modules :

  • ganesh.exe (Main program)
  • ganesh_codes_bar (input with bar code scanner)
  • ganesh_edi ( EDI's communication management)
  • ganesh_pda_stk (stocks management from pda / bar code scanner)
  • ganesh_wf.exe (documentation workflow management)
  • ganesh_am.exe (asset management)

All necessary modules are automatically supported by the Ganesh installion process.

Ganesh ERP has an automatic update module.


Infrastructure example



  • Database server
  • Applications server

Dell PowerEdge R730 


MS SQL Server 2019


















A développer

We support you in your project to implement a digital platform Businesses .

We offer the following services:

  • Audit and advice in Business Information Systems (SIM)
  • Integration and migration to Ganesh ERP - Industrial Production Management
  • Training, coaching, change management
  • Specific developments of customized business modules 
  • Installation / configuration dedicated technical infrastructure
  • SAAS integration of Ganesh ERP

You can choose to enter a study classification, or a manufacturing classification, or both.

The study classification is :

  • A temporary classification, for example on a product being defined/li>
  • A fictional classification, defining links other than those needed for production
  • Totally ignored by requirements calculation


The manufacturing classification corresponds to the links that are actually taken into account in the calculation of requirements . To choose the BOM type, enter the amount(s) associated with the link.

Il y a un problème avec Crystal report runtime engine.

Les états s'affichent mais pas nécessairement les documents demandés ! parfois les information sont dupliquées...

Après analyse il est nécessaire d'utiliser la même version Crystal report que l'environnement de dev. J'ai recompiler le programme avec la dernière version de Crystal report engine : 13.0.22

Pour que les états soient bon il faut

CRRuntime_32bit_13_0_22 (32 bits)

Il est préférable de désinstaller l'ancienne version avant l'installation







F1 : Help

F2 : Save

F3 : 

F4 : Expand selected combo box

F5 : Quote

F6 : Order

F7 : Delivery Order

F8 : Invoice

F9 : Articles (products)

F10 : Working Orders records

F11 : Customers

F12 : 



Comment critériser un bug dans l'outil de reporting en ligne ?

High : bug bloquant sur une fonctionnalité critique, remettant en cause l'utilisation globale du logiciel 

Medium : bug bloquant sur une fonctionnalité non critique, ou critique avec une solution de contournement

Low : bug non bloquant

Les demandes de modification (qui ne sont pas des bugs) sont généralement Low